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How I broke out of my sales comfort zone

Sales comfort zone
Actual footage of me hiding from my fear of being too salesy

I know I’m not alone in having a squeamish relationship with sales. It’s bizarre when you think about it. We’re in business. If we don’t sell stuff, we don’t make money. Then we have to go back to having what’s generally known as a ‘proper job’. Picture me shuddering as I write that. As much as the security of a salary and a pension would be lovely, I don’t want a boss. And I’ve had some perfectly lovely bosses in my time. (There have been some fairly hideous ones too, but that’s a story for another day.)

Yet when you get into marketing and networking, it almost feels as if you need to apologise for wanting to sell. No-one wants to be seen as ‘salesy’. This is particularly true in women’s networking groups. I don’t like to generalise and (of course) there are always exceptions. It just feels as if we’re generally more apologetic. I took part in a challenge recently that aimed to help female business owners increase their leads and get more sales. It got me thinking about my own attitude to selling and why it makes so many of us feel uncomfortable. Here’s what I came up with.

Why am I like this?

The obvious answer to my sales aversion is that I hate the hard sell, but is there anyone who actually likes it? That’s too simplistic an answer. I realised that most of my earlier jobs were in businesses where sales were someone else’s department. As a lawyer I had to convince people to take a particular course of action but I never had to persuade them to work with me in the first place. I’ve also worked in environments where women in charge were treated differently. Behaviour that would have been perfectly acceptable from a man was seen as ‘bossy’ or ‘pushy’ in a woman. These issues have deep roots but it
certainly feels as if we’re expected to be quiet and not bother anyone.

How my attitude to sales changed

I recently took part in a challenge run by the lovely Gemma Gilbert, who supports mums with service based businesses and helps them to make consistent sales. Her take on selling firmly stomps on the idea that we’re bothering people. We’re in business because we offer a service that will help people. Telling people how we can help them should be, well, helpful. It isn’t diving straight in with a sales pitch. That’s like proposing marriage on the first date. Sales start with telling people what we do and how we help them in our marketing. We build trust so that when we finally say ‘if you’d like me to do x for you, this is how it works’, they decide to buy because they know us.

What now?

Part of the challenge was to post on our personal Facebook page telling people what we do. It felt odd as I’d always been told that Facebook actively discouraged business posts on personal profiles. I’d always assumed that people know what I do – turns out a lot of them didn’t. Ultimately, it wasn’t a business post. It was just telling people what I do so that they can support me if they want to. It’s definitely made me more open to talking about work on
my personal social media and in life generally. I need to remember that my network goes beyond business contacts. It’s also taught me that my marketing is
on the right track, I just need to take it a bit further sometimes.

If you’d like to know more about how I can help you, sign up for my mailing list or email me at  for a chat.

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Hallowe’en: what’s your story?

Hallowe'en skull, book and bottle.

I know that there are lot of different views out there about Hallowe’en. Lots of you love it, others think it’s over commercialised rubbish. Take to Twitter and you’ll find a growing movement of evangelists who see it as Satan worshipping. They clearly haven’t done their research. Hallowe’en grew out of Samhain, the old Celtic New Year celebrated by Pagans. The last time I checked, Pagans didn’t actually believe in the devil.

Of course, it’s easy to suggest that views on Hallowe’en are all black and white. Really, it’s far more complicated than that. That’s why I decided to give you my perspective on Hallowe’en.

The fun bits

As regular readers will know, I have two young children. They’ve been excited about Hallowe’en since the end of September and are both incredibly disappointed that their school won’t let them wear costumes instead of uniform.

As I write this, debate in our house is still raging about whether we’re going out trick or treating or just getting a big tub of sweets to hand out to anyone who calls. Trick or treating is mostly fairly good natured near us so I suspect the final decision will be made by the weather. I know that a lot of people regard it as an American tradition that we’ve had foisted onto us. Personally, I enjoy it. It makes me feel part of a community and its fun trying to guess whether a child we know is hiding behind that mask.

Hallowe’en horror

Of course, I know that Hallowe’en in general, and trick or treating in particular, isn’t fun for everyone. We’ve always observed the rule that you only knock at doors that have a pumpkin on display. Last year a house near us put sweets by the front door with a note asking that we didn’t ring the bell as they were trying to get their baby to sleep. If that had been me, any interruptions would have ended in a real horror story!

Unfortunately not everyone behaves well. Every year we hear stories about people being terrorised or having their property vandalised because they didn’t answer the door. The playground heard tales of little kids in tears because someone had smashed their pumpkin for fun or chased them down the road with an axe. Those stories make me wonder what goes on in people’s heads (and have inspired a few ideas for crime stories – watch this space).

The memorial

For me, Hallowe’en isn’t just about pumpkins and scary stories. It’s a memorial too. There’s a Pagan concept which says that the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest on Hallowe’en. That’s why it’s become associated with ghosts and spirits, as it was thought to offer the best chance of communicating with your departed loved ones.

It’s a different kind of remembrance for me. We always celebrated Hallowe’en when I was growing, with a carved pumpkin and lots of sweets. Oh, and a birthday cake. I know that’s not traditional, but my Dad was born on Hallowe’en. That was the main reason for the party.  He died a few years ago so the meaning of Hallowe’en has changed for me. It’s a tough day because I miss him, but it also gives me the chance to look back and be grateful for his life.

Why am I telling you all this? The truth is, our stories are important. They help us to find our people, in business and life in general. That’s why we should never be afraid to share. Thanks for reading.

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Is blogging dead?

blogging deadEvery so often you get a little flurry of articles about blogging and they all ask a variation on the same question. Yup, you guessed it. ‘Is blogging dead?’ Now, obviously I have a bit of a vested interest here. Writing blogs is a core part of my business so if everyone suddenly decides that blogs aren’t worth bothering with I might have a bit of a panic. Only a small one though. My granny was a farmer’s daughter and always taught me never to put all my eggs in one basket, so I do other stuff too.

So, is blogging dead? I don’t think so. Here’s why.

Blogging has changed

When blogging first emerged as a marketing tool it was easy to stand out because there weren’t that many people doing it. Audiences who were tired of hard sell marketing loved the fact that blogging offered useful information without the pressure. Since then it feels as if everyone and their budgie has a blog. The market is saturated and it’s harder to stand out.

The good news is that ‘harder’ is very different from ‘impossible’. These days, the key to building a successful blog is to treat it as part of a larger strategy. Frankly, if you want to succeed in business it’s exactly what you should be doing anyway. If all of your marketing posts have the same focus your blog can be a central piece of content that helps your audience get to know you and builds your reputation.

Video isn’t for everyone

If you really don’t like the idea of a written blog you can still do a video version. Even Facebook were taken by surprise at how quickly video has taken off and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere just get. The issue with a video blog is that you can’t say as much. Videos on social media are generally better in bite size form. You’ll probably be able to read this blog in about 5 minutes but if I sat in front of a camera and read it out to you then you’d swiftly nod off. I’ll generally do a video that gives a quick summary of a topic with a link to the blog if they want more detail, so they have a choice.

There’s also the fact that some people still prefer to read things. One of the main advantages for me is that I can read something while the kids build a Lego fortress around my feet. Try that with an unmuted video and I’ll suddenly have a 5 year old on my shoulder asking for YouTube. The point is that presenting your content in different ways means that you’re more likely to get the message across.

People are still searching

I keep hearing that SEO is dead, with keywords coming in for particular abuse. If you suspect that might be true, here’s a statistic for you – at the last count there were just over 63,000 searches on Google every second. That’s around 2 trillion searches a year. Google is still using its search algorithms to rank websites and individual pages into order of importance. That makes SEO important in my book.

What has changed are the techniques you need to use. Writing SEO content used to mean stuffing your blogs and website full of as many keywords as possible, regardless of whether they made any sense. When you’re blogging now it’s more important to create useful content that people will want to read. That way, when someone asks Google a question they’re more likely to find you as the answer.

If you’d like to find out more about how to use blogging as part of your marketing strategy, sign up to my mailing list. You’ll receive a copy of my free guide ‘Stop hiding your business’.

Further reading

If you’d like to read some interesting stats about blogging, here you go

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It’s lonely at the top (or bottom)

lonely at the topThere have been a few times recently where I’ve started to feel that no-one else gets it. Logically I know it isn’t true but there’s no accounting for the wobbles a human brain is capable of having. As I write this my mood has improved considerably and I feel much less isolated, but I still think it’s worth talking about the time where I felt really lonely. That’s the only word I can use to describe it.

When you start a business lots of people give you advice, whether you want it or not. When I told people I was going to be self-employed I got lots of responses. Everything from a heartfelt good luck to ‘oh well, you can always go back to the law if it doesn’t work out.’ Of all the responses I got, no-one talked about loneliness.

Working on your own

Most weekdays I sit at a desk, on my own. Don’t speak to another living soul from 9 until 3, or sometimes later. It varies depending on when I’m picking the kids up that day. I’m frequently thankful for the school run. That sounds like madness, doesn’t it? For some people it means running the clique ridden gauntlet of the other parents who won’t speak to you. To me it’s the opportunity to see other humans that I didn’t marry or give birth to. The only downside is that most of them aren’t business owners either. They don’t understand what it’s like to be by yourself all the time.

Lonely at the top

Working on your own has its own challenges, but so does being the boss. I’ve spoken to more than one business owner who feels lonely, even when they’ve got a team of employees. It’s easy to feel isolated even when, or perhaps especially when you’ve got other people relying on you. The decisions all rest with you which means the stress does too.

I’ve no doubt that being in the middle of a crowd can feel even lonelier than being on your own, especially when that crowd are all looking to you for leadership. Even Margaret Thatcher admitted that being Prime Minister was a lonely job as you can’t lead from the crowd.

Social media is a double edged sword

Facebook has tried to improve its’ image recently by emphasising the ways the platform can build communities. I’ve found lots of groups that are useful to me in different ways, including a few business groups. They’re full of people who run businesses so should understand the challenges. Yet somehow, when I was feeling isolated, they didn’t do the trick. Every post I came across was from someone happy and positive, or who was having a major crisis. If I’d had a specific problem I wanted solving I probably could have asked a question to find a solution. Somehow ‘I’m feeling a bit down and I don’t know why’ felt ridiculous.

What really helped?

Two things really helped me to get out of the doldrums. Firstly, constructive time alone. Ironic, really. I realised that I felt lonely because all of the decisions are down to me and I really wanted someone else to tell me what to do. Then I remembered that I hate being told what to do. I spent a morning with my notepad and pen looking at the plan I made last year and what I need to do to implement it. My head felt much clearer after that.

I also went to my networking group. It helped, even though I didn’t talk about how I’d been feeling. Just spending time, in person, with women who understand the life put things into perspective. It also reminded me that I have a network out there when I need them.

If any of this resonates with you, please don’t suffer in silence. Seek support wherever you can, whether that’s from a friend, family member or somewhere else. The Samaritans offer 24/7 support, without judgment, to anyone who’s struggling. They’re on the end of the phone at 116 123 or online.

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Does your content marketing strategy match your goals?

content marketing match goalsBelieve it or not, there are those who think that people who talk about strategy are out of touch with their clients’ lives.  They probably think that a strategy is created somewhere off in cloud cuckoo land. I disagree.  You can use whatever word you like for it, but a strategy is basically a plan.  You’ll probably have seen a meme that says something like “a goal is a dream with a deadline”.  If you have a goal, you need a plan to make it happen.  That’s all a strategy is.  So the question is, does your strategy match your goals?  If not, here’s how to make it happen.

What are your goals?

Goal setting can be a tricky beast.  Even when you have an amazing vision of what your life could be with a successful business your own brain can start getting in the way.  It doesn’t help that there are eleventy billion gurus out there chucking around terms like ‘6 or 7 figure businesses’ as if it’s commonplace.  Some people have no problem visualising themselves there.  Others feel that they’re somehow unworthy.

I struggle with the ‘6 figure’ talk because it isn’t specific enough.  To me, achievable goals need to have meaning.  I don’t want a mansion in the middle of nowhere because I’m part of a great community where I am.  Plus, I like being able to walk the kids to school.  I base my goals on what’s going to make life better for my family.  If you need some help with this bit I’d highly recommend talking to a good coach.  I’ve worked with an amazing coach who somehow took my vague waffle and helped me turn it into a plan.

goals quote Napoleon Hill

Get specific

Once you’ve set some goals, it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty.  If you want to earn £x per month to get the house you want or afford a holiday, what do you need to do?  Do you need to sell a certain number of products or sign up new clients? What’s the easiest way to do that?  If you have a high ticket item or service you might only need to sell one or two. Conversely if high ticket is hard to shift is there something smaller that you can sell more of?

You might decide that you’re going to focus on one product for a month or two then switch.  If you’ve read my last blog you’ll know that focusing on one thing is great because it helps people to get to know you. Once you’ve worked that out you’re ready to plan your marketing strategy so that it aligns with your goals.

Find your focus

If you want to hit your goals you don’t just need to get specific with your business aims.  You need to apply it to your marketing too.  For example, say you’ve decided to focus on selling smaller items in January.  People are feeling a bit skint after Christmas but want to cheer themselves up.  Equally, lots of people are making New Year’s resolutions and are willing to spend money on the right help.

Work out what is going to appeal to them about the service you’re offering.  Is it a fresh start or something inexpensive to make January bearable?  When you’ve worked that out you can start planning your content.  But that’s a subject for another blog.

Does your content strategy match your goals? If you need some help developing a strategy that you can implement yourself, click here to find out more about my content planning and strategy service.

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Why you need a content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategyI’ve found that there are two types of business owner.  The ones who love strategy and planning and actively seek out tools to help and, well, the other kind.  To be fair even they could be split into two camps.  People who know they need a strategy but just can’t quite bring themselves to do it and the ones who would happily wing it forever.  Ultimately, guess which businesses have greater success long term? Yep, the ones with a plan.  So why do you need a content marketing strategy? It’s an important piece of the overall puzzle. Here’s why.

A focused message = better results

When you plan your content marketing strategy in advance you can work out which products or services you want to focus on.  I’ve talked before (a lot) about focusing on your ideal customer and your content strategy planning should be an extension of that. The TL;DR version is – trying to market to everyone just makes your content bland and boring. Equally, you could sell any product or service at any time, but it’s better to focus on one.

If you’re building a relationship with your customers, focusing on one service helps them to get to know you. Your posts and blogs over a couple of weeks or a month can give them in depth knowledge of that service and what it can do for them.  They might not need that particular thing but it helps them to get to know you and keep following.  If you jump about that trust could be lost.  If you’d like some help identifying where your focus should be, I can help.

Less stress for you

Have you ever sat in front of your computer and thought ‘I need to post something today’. Or ‘I should get a blog out there this week’, without the faintest idea about what you want to say?  A content marketing strategy helps you to overcome that.  You’ll have a theme or product to focus on and you can get everything planned in advance.  Rather than panicking and posting something random, you’ll have time to really think about what you want to say.

It also means that you can get blogs written and social media posts planned and scheduled during quiet periods. Then they’re there and ready to go when you get busier.

A consistent content marketing strategy

I’ll be talking more about aligning your content marketing strategy with your goals in a future blog post, but identifying which products or services you want to focus on is a good first step.  By doing this you can get relevant marketing out there when people are most likely to be looking for it.  It’s why you see loads of holiday adverts on Boxing Day and wedding industry promotions around Valentine’s Day.  Timing is key.

Of course, it’s also important to have a consistent message.  When your content marketing strategy is planned in advance you can ensure it all makes sense.  You can have a theme running through each month’s marketing like a golden thread.  It shouldn’t be exactly the same message every time, but it should all tie together.  As you might have guessed, this month I’m mostly talking about strategy and planning. It’s a good way to start the year. I’ll be writing blogs like this one and sharing tools and resources that have helped me to plan so you can use them if you want to.

Do you have a plan for this year? If you don’t and you need some help, click here to find out more about my content planning and strategy sessions.

Further reading

If you’re wondering why you need content marketing anyway, here’s a great piece from marketing legend Neil Patel.

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Why do Christmas stories resonate with us?

Christmas stories resonateAs I write this we’re heading towards Christmas and I know that a lot of you are starting to wind down.  I’m always reluctant to write off the end of a year but I understand the impulse.  This year seems to have flown by.  There’s political turmoil that’s making everyone feel tired. There have been a lot of changes in my personal life this year too.  I’m ready for some time off.  But that doesn’t mean I’m switching off altogether.  This is a good time for reflection and thinking about the year to come.  So I thought I’d give you some Christmas themed food for thought.  There’s something about Christmas stories that really hit a nerve and I think it’s something we can learn from and carry through our marketing for the rest of the year.  So I asked myself a question. Why do Christmas stories resonate with us?

Here’s what I think lies behind it.

We’re tired and emotional

Yes, I know that has another meaning.  Come on, I’m a writer.  Maybe we will all be tired and emotional after a few Sherries on Christmas Day, but that’s not the point.  By the time we get to the end of the year we’re exhausted.  Not just by the things happening in our own lives, but everyone else’s too.  The news is grim and we’re constantly bombarded by social media messages making other people’s lives look better than they actually are.  I’m about ready to gather my family around me and snuggle under a blanket, hoping it all goes away.

To me, it explains why Christmas stories with a bit of magic in them are so appealing.  It’s comforting to believe that there is help out there if you need it.  Of course, I’m a pragmatic sort so still take the view that if you want help you need to ask for it. But Christmas stories help us to tap into the idea that the world isn’t all bad.

Family time

Trying to achieve a good work life balance has been at the top of a lot of priority lists for a while now.  It seems as if everyone has their own definition but when you have children time with them is always in there somewhere.  This year’s BBC One short, ‘Wonderland’ capitalises on this beautifully.  The idea of a stressed mum and son desperately needing time together is incredibly powerful.

It’s easy to feel that we’re short changing our children sometimes. Running a business can consume every waking minute if we let it.  We’re often told that we ‘should’ want more time with the family, but that misses the point for me. The Christmas stories that celebrate the true meaning of the season tend to be about putting people first. Even Scrooge learned to be charitable.

How Christmas stories help us throughout the year

Christmas stories tap into some pretty powerful concepts. Things like helping those in need and spending time with the people you love. They’re ideas that your marketing can evoke all year round.  You might not believe in magic, but encouraging people to ask for help is no bad thing, especially if you’re the one making your living by offering it.  It can be hard for a small business to build trust with their customers, but people love the idea that they’re supporting the little guy.  Those memes that talk about small business owners doing a happy dance when they get a new order are popular for a reason.

These themes might resonate more strongly at Christmas, but they’re there all year round. How can you use them in your business?

This is my last blog post for 2018. Whatever you’re doing I hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas and I’ll see you again in 2019!  If you’d like to start the New Year with a new marketing strategy, visit my website to find out more.

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What Christmas stories are you telling?

Christmas storiesAt Christmas it’s easy to feel as if everything has become overly commercialised.  When you’re running a business you might feel as if you’re just contributing to the problem.  After all, the run up to Christmas is often referred to as the ‘Golden Quarter’ because of the increase in sales.  The good news is that you can evoke the true spirit of Christmas in your marketing.  You just have to work out which Christmas stories you’re telling.  Thankfully there are plenty to choose from…

Bah humbug

I’m not saying that you should tell your customers they remind you of Ebenezer Scrooge. Although, running an advert that says “I know you’re not going to buy anything from me at Christmas because you’re a modern day Scrooge” your customers could take umbrage and spend loads of money to prove you wrong. Thankfully ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ are tales of redemption.

However, we all have our ‘bah humbug’ moments and your marketing could tap into that.  A joke or even a poll featuring mince pies in November could work really well.  Alternatively, if you provide a gift that needs advance planning you could send out a funny early warning.  You know it’s ridiculously early but Christmas photo shoots book up quickly or your order book closes at the end of November.

Christmas magic

If your customers can’t start celebrating soon enough, the world is your lobster (sorry, family joke). You can take inspiration from any number of Christmas stories that bring back childhood memories. ‘Twas the Night before Christmas’ evokes the excitement of potentially bumping into Santa when he comes down the chimney. ‘Polar Express’, ‘The Snowman’ and ‘The Nutcracker’ all tap into our dreams of adventure.

Using these kinds of stories in your marketing helps your customers to revisit their childhood. One word of warning though; use it carefully.  If it’s overdone it could be a bit too cloying so keep it light.

Christmas spookiness

Why do we tell ghost stories at Christmas? I’ve read that when the Pagan festival of Yule was co-opted by the church and turned into Christmas, some ghosts lingered. Yule acknowledged the darkness as well as celebrating the lengthening daylight.  It makes sense for us to hold onto some scary stories for the long winter nights. Plus it means you can watch ‘Nightmare before Christmas’ with the justification that you’re celebrating your Pagan heritage.

You can use this type of story even if you aren’t in the business of sending a chill down your customers’ spines.  Whilst Christmas is all sweetness and light in theory, it can be a tough time of year for a lot of people.  Admitting that there is darkness could help your audience to feel less isolated and that can be a very positive thing.  Of course, Christmas is also becoming known for tales of murder.  Those might be worth sharing if any of your customers need help getting through Christmas with their nearest and dearest.

The true meaning of Christmas

All of this talk of magic and mayhem is all very well, but at its heart Christmas is about giving.  That doesn’t have to mean an enormous pile of presents under the tree. It could mean one present that’s chosen with care. Time can be a wonderful gift if you don’t often get to spend it together.

Again, this is the kind of message that could make your audience want to throw up. However, it’s very powerful if done well.  It doesn’t always have to be jolly either.  ‘The Little Match Girl’ is heart-breaking but still recreates Christmas through the little girl’s visions. If that’s too unbearably sad, think of stories like ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ or ‘The Snow Queen’ where love and friendship win the day.

Christmas stories like these have stood the test of time for a reason.  They all evoke something primal that we can connect with at Christmas. What story are you telling? Leave a comment and let me know.  Or, if you need some help getting your story out there, sign up for my email series taking you through blog writing step by step.

Further reading

A few examples of the stories I mentioned:

The Little Match Girl

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Plus one of my own: A Christmas Deirdre


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Why you need to focus on your customers at Christmas

customers at ChristmasYou need to focus on your customers at Christmas.  Of course, you need to focus on them all year round, but especially at Christmas.  To quote Andy Williams, it may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful. If you can bring your customers something useful and give them a dose of the warm and fuzzies, you’ll be on to a winner.  However, to do that you need to think about their personality and how you can help them through the festive season in one piece.

What’s their style?

When you think of the big Christmas ad campaigns there are a few key players who always pull out the stops. Each has their own approach which reflects the types of customer they usually attract.  John Lewis are luxurious, M&S are sparkly and Aldi go for laughs with Kevin the Carrot.

Even where campaigns share a common cause, they’ll all do it in a slightly different way, with a different feel. The focus might be on gathering your family around the table or going out and having fun, but each reflects the brand’s core audience.

What do your customers want?

Your customers’ personalities aren’t suddenly going to alter because it’s Christmas.  They still have the same values at Christmas as they do throughout the year.  Their approach to the festive season may influence the kind of marketing they’ll respond to. This goes beyond distinguishing between the ultra-prepared present buyers and the last minute shoppers.  You might attract both. Even the ones who normally have everything wrapped by the end of November could fall behind.

It can help to think about your customers in terms of the bigger brands.  Are they John Lewis and Waitrose type people who like a bit of luxury and appreciate the personal touch? Do they want magic and sparkles? Will their house be filled with food and people even though money is tight?  Working out what their priorities are will help you to talk to them more effectively.

What can you bring your customers at Christmas?

None of us have the budget to hire Elton John (and I know quite a few people who think John Lewis shouldn’t have bothered) or even to have an animated carrot dangling from a cliff.  That doesn’t mean that you can’t bring your customers something that they’ll like.  If you’re struggling for quick Christmas marketing ideas I’m running an advent calendar on both Facebook and Instagram that has a few.  There are also a few things in there to help you look after yourself.  We all get frazzled at this time of year and I’m using my calendar as a cue for myself.

At Christmas you might want practicality but emotion is important too.  I’ve no doubt there will be a few modern day Scrooges out there saying ‘humbug’, but you can ignore them.  Unless you’re one of them, in which case you have the perfect opportunity to band together in sympathy.  You don’t have to spend much money (if any) to give people something that they’ll find touching or entertaining. Hafod Hardware, a family run shop in Wales, made this advert last year for just £7.  You could showcase your products in a fun way or show people how you can make their lives easier at Christmas.

Over to you – what are you offering your customers at Christmas?

If you’d like to start 2019 with a new content marketing strategy you can find out about my content planning and strategy service here or sign up to my mailing list and receive your free guide ‘Do I need a writer’ by clicking on the image below.

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Your content marketing: why you need to keep in touch with your customers

content marketing keep in touch with customersHow much time, money and effort do you spend on content marketing? I’m going to hazard a guess that at least one of those things is going to loom large in your marketing efforts.  Hopefully it’s working for you. (If it’s not you can go back to basics and sign up for my email series where I teach you how to start writing a good quality blog and make it work harder for you.) However, this is not one of those blog posts where I take you back to the basics of content marketing.  This is the one where I tell you how important it is to keep in touch with your customers once you’ve found them.

Keeping in touch with your customers doesn’t have to be a big thing but it’s really worth the effort.  Here’s how you can do it and why you need to.

Read more