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Sharing strategy: how communication will boost employee engagement

Picture the scene: you’ve had some time to devise a brilliant new strategy and you’re excited.  Your plan will help your business to grow and keep you ahead of the competition.  You gather your employees around you to tell them about it and it bombs.  Was it a bad plan?  Probably not.  So what went wrong?

If you’re a decision maker it’s likely that you’ve reached that position by having, or developing, some specific qualities.  Broadly speaking, you don’t get anywhere near the top if you’re unable to see the world in widescreen.   While some of your employees will share that attribute, there’s a vulnerability to being an employee that means they are more likely to focus on detail.  Where do they fit into the new plan?  Is their job at risk?  How will the day to day reality of their work change?

Your job is simple.  You just have to emulate the communication skills of the world’s greatest leaders.  Easy, right?  Here’s how you do it.

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