Do you want to write a blog but don't know where to start?
Are you struggling with the one you've already got?
You need training that works with your business.

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About Kirsty
I’m a writer and business owner juggling business and family life, just like my clients. I understand the need to create content that works hard for your business and fits into your life. That's why I design my training sessions to make the best use of your valuable time and get you the results you want.
“I’ve worked closely with my clients to create high converting articles, web copy, adverts and blogs. You need marketing with a fresh perspective that allows you to work with your perfect clients. I’d love to help you start that process.”
Kirsty France
By entering your email address to receive this free guide you will also be added to my email marketing list. You can unsubscribe at any time and I will not share your information with anyone else.