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Feeling the fear (and running with it)

I haven’t always been a runner. My teenage self would not recognise the adult who opened the curtains one wintery morning and exclaimed “it’s snowed, let’s go running!” However, when I contemplate my freelance career I realise that building my business involves going through some of the same stages that I went through to become a cross country enthusiast.

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What does your brand sound like?

Are you a person or a brand? Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting that you’re having some kind of identity crisis. It’s just that when you’re either a sole trader or the figurehead for a small business, it can be hard to think of yourself in terms of a brand identity when the qualities that you bring to the role are personal ones. It’s certainly been a tricky one for me to navigate since I stopped being a representative of a national law firm and started advertising writing services on my own behalf.

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How a birthday present got me thinking about change

I turned 40 last year (I know, it’s hard to believe until you look closely) and my husband gave me an unusual and delightful present. I was slightly bemused to open a scrapbook until I started to flick through the accompanying stack of 40 postcards, each detailing a different challenge.*

As I read through I found some that were fun (drinking champagne is no hardship), some scary and some downright bonkers.

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