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Ask your audience: what do your customers need?

Ask your audienceHenry Ford once said that he’d never have invented the car if he’d asked people what they wanted. Quite simply because they’d have asked for a faster horse.  I’m not sure that’s strictly true. Whilst people are perfectly capable of being daft at times, I imagine that most people knew they couldn’t force their horses to go any faster. They’re more likely to have asked to get from place to place more quickly without needing to go on trains that were probably quite smelly.  If you ask your audience what they want they might surprise you.

You might be beavering away quite happily creating products and services that you think people will like. They might sell moderately well, but what if you could create something that really took off? Asking for opinions from your audience could help you to do just that.

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How you can come up with new marketing ideas

new ideasWhenever I talk about blogging, or marketing in general, I’m asked about ideas.  How do you come up with marketing ideas? What should I write in my blog? You get the idea.  The truth is that there are lots of ways to come up with new marketing ideas and most of them involve one basic skill; listening.

If you’ve ever struggled for ideas, here’s my guide to conjuring them up.

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Who do you have on your team?

Let’s face it, running a business can be lonely sometimes. If you work alone you can start to feel isolated. Even if you have people working for you, it’s tough when the decision making is all on your shoulders. It’s at times like this that it’s important to take a breath, look around and remind yourself of all the people who are there to support you.  Who do you have on your team?

My networking group is holding an awards night soon and I’ve been thinking about the different people I could nominate. It’s helped me to realise not just how much support I get from my business network but also the people who help me out every day.  Here are just a few…

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How to choose the right social media platforms for your business

choose social media platformsWhen it comes to choosing some social media platforms for your business, the possibilities are endless.  Where do you start? Should you just post everywhere and hope for the best? Would you get any actual work done if you did?

There isn’t a one size fits all answer, but there are ways to make life easier. Here’s how I approached choosing social media platforms for myself.

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