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Don’t want to tell your business story? Why you should get over yourself

business storyDo you tell people your business story? If not, why not? You might think its unremarkable and well, maybe a bit boring, but it’s not. Self-employment might be getting more popular, but if you’ve started your own business you’ve still taken a leap into the unknown. Even if you’ve still got a day job, adding in extra work takes effort.

You might find that sharing the reasons behind the change could be just what your business needs.

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Could running workshops boost your business?

Workshops boost businessOver the last year or so it feels as if everyone has got a course to sell. I’m clearly part of their key demographic as I can’t open Facebook without being told how one course or another is going to transform my business. I don’t necessarily have a problem with this. I need to learn things and if someone with the right expertise can teach me, I’m happy. What I do object to is being told that if I want to create a digital product and free up my time, I must create a course. Frankly, that doesn’t make sense to me. I’d rather just say that I’m running workshops.

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Why I love going to face to face events

face to face eventsOnline networking is a wonderful thing. I’ve met some wonderful people through Facebook groups that I would never have bumped into in real life. When you run a business the loneliness is often the toughest thing. That can be true whether you work alone, like me, or even if you’re the boss. Social media can give you a place to chat with like-minded people so you feel a little bit less alone. That said, it’s no substitute for meeting people face to face. I’ll never give up going to live events.  Here’s why…

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