How many of you have suffered from body image issues? *hands go up*
I certainly have and since starting my Sparrowlegs business, it has become apparent to me how many of us women in business have struggled with the image in the mirror. Did you know that your body image could be holding you back in your business? Body image is what we think and feel about the way that we look and not just simply what people see. So, how can it get in the way of your greatness? In the way of you showing up and being successful (and a reminder here that you get to choose what success looks like for you, it’s not one size fits all and I really didn’t intend that pun!)
Is negative body image holding you back?
So, firstly, negative body image LIMITS you. Believing you aren’t ‘beautiful’ enough (what defines beauty anyway?!) you aren’t slim enough; your skin isn’t clear enough, to be the person you want to be. We are subjected to a constant barrage of images and inferred expectations of a construed idea of what ‘beautiful’ is and sometimes we can’t see past it. These thoughts limit you; you might not choose a certain career path or say “yes” to opportunities because you believe that isn’t a choice for people who look like you. You may not progress your business because the image you have of yourself holds you back. Sometimes we think “when I’m slimmer I’ll succeed” or “when I look better, I can work on my business” – These are just limiting beliefs.
Secondly, feeling negative about the way you appear may stop you from taking risks, and from being brave. That’s not to say that I don’t have days where I look in the mirror and struggle with what I see BUT through the work that I’m doing I’ve learned how to manage those feelings better. Your body image, if negative, can keep you in your comfort zone. It can keep you from doing your lives on social media, from sharing the photos and even from turning up to meetings. We all know though, that forming true connections is a way to build our business, being relatable and vulnerable. That all starts with showing up as our true selves.
Lastly, having a negative body image makes you more likely to compare yourself with others. You can start to believe that others are more successful because they look a certain way. That’s not the case though, those that are successful (and to reiterate – success looks different for us all,) don’t limit themselves; they take the risks, and they stay on their own path without comparing. Another person’s beauty doesn’t make us less beautiful – this we MUST remember!
What can you do about it?
So, I hear you asking, what can you do to change things?
Surround yourself with the people who like and love you for who you truly are. Talk to them and you will realise that everybody has worries and insecurities. We all struggle with negative body image at times.
Support your body image by taking care of your body. That can look different for each one of you but don’t underestimate how much self-care can make you feel good about yourself. Treat yourself with kindness, and speak to yourself kindly. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend don’t say it to yourself.
Lastly, be you! People love to see the real you. Don’t let what you look like hold you back. Some people will love you and others won’t (their loss obviously!) Just remember your purpose and the right people will surround you
Now go, shine your light and follow your dreams and passions……
My links
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/sparrowlegs
Instagram www.instagram.com/miss_sparrowlegs
Website www.sparrowlegs.com
Email anupa@sparrowlegs.com